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Noxbit, как поменять путь кеширования?.

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Собственно вопрос в заголовке, имеется файл noxbit.cfg, следующего содержания:
! Abstract: A NoxBit peer agent configuration file. Options:
! Author: Darth Sysman
! Creation date: 9-MAR-2017
! Syntax:
! ! : comment
! - : option qualifier
! / : -- // --
! = : option's value
! Options list:
! /uid=<noxbit_user_id>
! /pass=<noxbit_password>
! /trace
! /dir=<path>
! /delay=<seconds>
! /logfile=<log_filespec_template>
! /logsize=<octets_count>
! /bind=<IP:port>
! /uprate=<octets_per_second>
! /downate=<octets_per_second>
! /maxpeers=<a_number_of_served_leacher_peers>
! /bufcnt=<buffers_count>
! Usage:
! ./STM-Hypervisor -config=noxbit.cfg [option list]
! Modification history:
! 9-MAR-2017 RRL Initial creating.
! 16-MAR-2017 SysMan Added description of the /DELAY option; some more description;
! 21-MAR-2017 SysMan Added description to the /LOGFILE, /LOGSIZE, /BIND options
! 22-MAR-2017 SysMan correct /LOGFILE description, now is it a template of the file specification.
! 27-MAR-2017 RRL Corrected password for 'guest' UID.
! 28-MAR-2017 RRL Introduced /BUCNT - a number of I/O buffers to be preallocated by STM-Agent
! at start time.
! 29-MAY-2017 SysMan Commented has been errorenously uncommented /PRESET=1 - this option does not work
! properly at the time!!!
! {tbs}

-uid= ! default UID
-pass= ! default password, don't use please "!" in the password

!-dir=/tmp/vcache ! a path to cache directory

//Пробовал и так и так!
-dir=/dev/sdb/vcache ! a path to cache directory

-dir=/media/linux/2F7A-ADA2/vcache ! a path to cache directory

!-dir=/dev/shm/noxbit ! u unix clone has been support so feature ?!

!-trace ! Turn On extended diagnostic output, use for troubleshooting only
!-delay=7 ! An initial delay in second before starting streaming by STM-Agent.

!-logfile=/var/noxbit/noxbit-%s-%d.log ! A log file specification template (%s - component name, %d - PID)
!-logsize=512000 ! The log file maximum size in octets

!-bind= ! A local IP:port pair to bind listener of requests

!/uprate=512000 ! Upload rate limit, octets per second
!/downrate=512000 ! Doownload rate limit, octets per second
!/maxpeers=16 ! Max served peers
!/bufcnt=512 ! A number of I/O buffers, to be preallocated by STM-Agent.

! Expiremental features !!! Use on u own risk!!!
! Don't touch anything below until u understand what will going on ...

Пытаюсь сделать кеширования на флешку, но вот чето не пишет на неё.. А продолжает в папку /tmp/vcache скидывать буфер.
В чём ошибка?
Ubuntu mate 18.04

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